Nominations open for 2025 Distinguished Teacher Award

We know that there are excellent teachers at this school, and we are very interested in recognizing them. We need your help! 

Do you know a teacher who loves to teach and generates enthusiasm for their subject? Have you been blown away by a multimedia presentation by one of your teachers or colleagues? Is there a particular teacher that makes you feel safe and that creates a very positive student-centered learning environment? Have you been favorably impacted by a teacher here during your studies at the Health Sciences Center? Have you witnessed the work of a colleague and been inspired or impressed? Have you noticed that some teachers are very effective within certain environments or in teaching certain skills or concepts? Have you seen topics taught in innovative ways by a particular teacher or colleague? Is there a teacher that explains a concept in a unique way that motivates and enhances learning, one that inspires the spirit of inquiry and curiosity in learners? Have you witnessed excellent counseling or advising skills in a faculty mentor?

All of these attributes contribute to distinguished teaching. Please take a moment to consider and recognize an excellent teaching/learning experience during your time at the West Virginia University School of Medicine. Being nominated for this prestigious award can help faculty offer evidence of outstanding teaching, which can help faculty earn academic promotion. 

Please nominate a teacher by filling out this form by Friday, April 12.